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Content of the Trainings:

20 Hours of Stock Video Content

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1 Year All Access

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Certificate of Participation for those who have completed at least 2 trainings

What you will learn

*Includes the benefits of the entire package.

  • How should Career Planning be done in a rapidly changing world?

  • How can we get students to know themselves and set goals?

  • You will see all the undergraduate programs in Turkey, which professions can be applied and how.

  • You will do preference counseling with another approach, quickly but efficiently.

  • For non-numerical graduates, you will simply interpret statistics.

  • The vast majority of young people aim abroad, so you will learn how they can go.

  • You will get to know the different types of students and families we come across.

  • Seeing all universities in Turkey categorized and grouped will make your life easier.

For Educators

Career and Preference Counseling Training Series

3000'i aşkın

Last Updated: 24/08/2022

The Most Comprehensive Career and Preference Counseling Training Series in Turkey!

Nur Erdem Özeren

Trainer: Nur Erdem Ozeren

8 Different Trainings


Genç Kariyer Akademisi Kurucusu, Eğitim ve Kariyer Danışmanı Nur Erdem ÖZEREN tarafından verilen; Başta Liselerin olmak üzere tüm Rehber Öğretmenler ile özellikle meslek – bölüm – üniversite tercihleri konusunda ilgili ve gençlerin fikrini sorduğu branş öğretmenleri için hazırlanmış eğitim programıdır. Programın tamamı yaklaşık 20 saattir. ​ Tadımlık değil, detaylı içeriklerle Türkiye’deki en kapsamlı ve hiçbir yerde bulamayacağınız içerikler Online, kayıtlı, istediğiniz zamanda erişme şansı Eşi benzeri olmayan ve sonuca yönelik, kullanılabilir, güncellenmiş görsel dokümanlar Temmuz ayında canlı ve online soru – cevap toplantısı ​​ Paket programda gerekli adımları tamamlayanlara Katılım Belgesi Eğitim sonrası sınavla Başarı Belgesi (Sınav soruları açık uçlu, değerlendirme süreci nedeniyle ücretli)  Tüm eğitimlere katılan ve sınav ücreti ödeyen ve 4 saatlik sınava girenlere Sertifika

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Everything in KEP for Educators

Training Titles:

Introductory Training: Introduction to New Generation Career Planning and Business Expectations

one.Alternative Questions and Methods for Self-Knowledge and Goal Setting

2.Occupations and Departments Map – What Jobs Do Alumni Do in Which Sectors

3.Universities Education in Turkey – Supported by Statistics – Which University for Which Department

4.ÖSYM Preference Counseling and Guide Interpretation Training

5.Statistical Interpretation Training in Preference Counseling

6.Universities Education Abroad

7.Preference Counseling Process Training According to Case Types

Get This Training Pack Now

Career and Preference Counseling Training Package

Not for taste, but with detailed contents,
The most comprehensive content in Turkey that you will not find anywhere 
In the Career and Preference Counseling Training Package...

1650 ₺ in its place1250 ₺

  • For those who received the training package and paid the exam fee and took the 4-hour examCertificate

  • Big discount advantage in purchasing training package

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Tercih Danışmanlığı Eğitimi

Individual Training Plans and Fees

Introductory Training: Introduction to New Generation Career Planning and Expectations of the Business World

The world is changing rapidly, professions are changing, so how do we plan a career in such a period? What will change in the future? How do we plan a career for the future we cannot see?


1. Education: Alternative Questions and Methods for Self-Knowledge and Goal Setting

(Practical and Goal-Oriented)

With which questions can we help students get to know themselves and set goals without using an inventory? How can we use this information to guide career planning?

150 ₺

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2. Tutorial: Occupations and Departments Map – What Jobs Do Alumni Do in Which Sectors

(Single in Turkey)

300 ₺

What if it was possible to see all the undergraduate programs in Turkey in a single table, in a categorical way, and to see which professions can be pursued from which department today and tomorrow?

With today's questions, freelancing, remote or hybrid work, in which sectors and in which departments it is possible to work, all questions are answered in this training!

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3. Tutorial: Universities Education in Turkey – Supported by Statistics – Which University for Which Department (The Only One in Turkey)

It will make your life easier to see all universities in Turkey, with the summary of TÜMA, URAP, YÖK and similar reports, the distinction between Foundation and State and selection criteria, categorized and grouped in a single table. Also, which university is better explained in which department only in this tutorial.

300 ₺

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4. Tutorial: ÖSYM Preference Counseling and Guide Interpretation Training

200 ₺

What everyone thinks they know! Well, what if you don't have a robot in front of you? Or how can you do Preference Consulting step by step in a short time? The formula for making preference counseling with another approach, quickly but efficiently, is in this training!

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5. Tutorial: Statistical Interpretation Training in Preference Counseling

Will scores go up or down this year? How will the quota changes affect the ranking? What do the changes over the years mean? For those who do not have a numerical degree, it is possible to interpret statistics simply with this training!

200 ₺

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6. Tutorial: Universities Education Abroad (Information About the Whole World)

The vast majority of young people aim abroad, but do you know how they can go? Europe, Russia, China, America or Canada? How to go? How much budget do you need? What criteria are required?

*This training is given by Banu Alptekin, Foreign Education Consultant.

300 ₺

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7. Tutorial: Preference Counseling Process Training According to Case Types

Our time is very short in the Preference Period! However, the students and families we meet are of different types! It is necessary to complete the preference counseling with different processes for each student type!

200 ₺

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Tekli Planlar

Career and Preference Counseling Training Package

Not for taste, but with detailed contents,
The most comprehensive content in Turkey that you will not find anywhere 
In the Career and Preference Counseling Training Package...

1650 ₺ in its place1250 ₺

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