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Who are we?

The Career Education Platform is a content platform established for the 22-year experience of the Young Career Academy to reach all young people, families and educators online regardless of time and place.

As the Young Career Academy, which has touched the lives of young people for 22 years;

We work with youth and educators for youth.

We bring education and business together.

By building the bridge that needs to be built, we express the expectations of the business world at the high school level.

We act as a bridge between companies and students.

Nur Erdem Özeren


  • How can we get students to know themselves and set goals?


  • How can we get students to know themselves and set goals?


  • How can we get students to know themselves and set goals?


  • How can we get students to know themselves and set goals?

*Tüm görüÅŸmelerin öncesinde Adım Adım Tercih Ücretsiz Versiyon tamamlanmalı, danışan hazırlıklı gelmelidir. Aksi halde görüÅŸme iptal olabilir ya da uzayabilir, uzayan görüÅŸmeler oransal olarak ayrıca ücretlendirilir.


  • How can we get students to know themselves and set goals?

30 dakika görüÅŸme


  • How can we get students to know themselves and set goals?

15 dakika görüÅŸme


  • How can we get students to know themselves and set goals?

Video EÄŸitim

Meslek Erbabı Panelleri

  • How can we get students to know themselves and set goals?

30 dakika görüÅŸme - Online

60 dakika görüÅŸme - Yüz Yüze

  • How can we get students to know themselves and set goals?

Video EÄŸitim
Adım Adım Tercih

Soru Cevap GörüÅŸmeleri

Ekibimizden Danışmanlık Al

  • How can we get students to know themselves and set goals?

Görsel Dokümanlar

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